Alliance des Corps. Carte blanche to Marinella Senatore
2022 marks the 20th anniversary of Palais de Tokyo as well as the 10th anniversary of the School of Nar-rative Dance. Marinella was given carte blanche by the French institution from 15 to 18 September for a 4-day Festival, which took the form of an artistic occupation of spaces by and for artist communities coming from different backgrounds and disciplines.
The Festival brought together numerous charitable and community organisations from Paris and Île-de-France who work across different disciplines but share their commitment to diversity and inclusion: from the hijabeuses (hijabi women’s football team) to urban poetry, from vernacular dance to parkour, from voguing to body percussion, they were all reunited for four days of workshops and performances.
Senatore’s light sculptures reconfigured the space of the Palais as an “agora”, creating real spaces for togetherness and sociability. These luminous monuments do not intend to honour some past event but are instead dedicated to citizenship, to its spiritual and mental potential, and to new ways of being together.